Robin Hood Golf Club
Robin Hood Golf Club is a welcoming club and we want all visitors and members to enjoy our golf course and facilities. Whilst we request that all golfers adhere to our club policy on dress code we do appreciate that codes can vary from club to club. It can be sometimes difficult to ensure your attire complies with the rules of the club you are visiting. To assist we have set out the following dress code guidelines, and if you are in any doubt please call the club on 0121 706 0061 for clarification.
Shirts should be tucked into trousers/shorts at all times.
As per Course but also allowed when using the range:
As per Course at all times.
*There may on occasions be a more relaxed dress code for certain social events in the clubhouse.
The clubhouse is a friendly welcoming facility for all members and their guests to enjoy whenever the clubhouse is open. To make sure our guests enjoy their social experience there are some very simple rules that apply to all of the areas within the building.
Consuming drink or food that has not been purchased from the bar is not acceptable anywhere within the Clubhouse.
The board chooses to set the standards for dress code and behaviour for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone. We also expect all members, our partners and staff to manage this so please don't be offended if you are reminded of any of the standards by a fellow member, employee or partner of the club.