Robin Hood Golf Club
Rules. Competitions shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules Ltd and with Local Rules approved by the Golf Committee.
Competition Committee: A specific Competition Committee will be established for each event or series of events.
Golfers with a disability may apply to the Competition Committee for adoption of the Modification to the Rules for Golfers with a Disability (rule 25).
Amateur status is a requirement for those entering Opens, Club Championships and Knock Outs. Professionals may enter and win division prizes in other events but are not eligible to win trophy prizes.
Buggies are permitted subject to Course Status and Buggy Policy unless stated otherwise.
Caddies are not permitted unless stated otherwise. Competition Committee may, on request, allow competitors to be assisted with pulling trolleys or carrying bags.
Bad Weather Policy. If the course becomes unplayable and is closed, the competition shall be cancelled and may be rearranged. If, however, competitors choose either not to play, or to discontinue play because of bad weather and the course remains open, the competition shall be deemed to have been played and will not be re-scheduled.
Suspension of Play will be determined by the Competition Committee with delegation to pro-shop staff if appropriate.
All RHGC policies apply. They include but are not limited to: Dress Code, Equality & Diversity Policy, Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
Stroke Index Allocation is determined by the Golf Committee as shown on the appropriate scorecard.
Return of scorecard/result. Players must return scorecard/result promptly after play as determined by Competition Committee.
Result of competition is final when the result has been published by the organiser.